My days are fueled from:
a good cup of Coffee
a Whole LOT of Jesus
& the ability to sport any hair color I want...
My days are fueled from:
a good cup of Coffee
a Whole LOT of Jesus
& the ability to sport any hair color I want...
I am a mother of 3, an adventurer, a health nut and coffee enthusiast! I love music, extreme sports and anything that keeps my spirit alive and growing. Something you might not guess though, is that I am a total math and excel nerd! I think in numbers... It can be quite annoying, but is also why my career as a High-Performance Strategist & Productivity Specialist is perfect for me. I am dedicated to helping hard-working, driven moms like you, restore sanity & peace in your CURRENT life... FAST!!! Who has time to waste? We are not promised tomorrow. It is a very trendy concept these days, that starting your own business is THE way to have the freedom you want. Here's the catch... it IS a fabulous way to achieve a freedom lifestyle, but in order to achieve the peace you want from it, you need to do it right, have a good support system AND have a great deal of perseverance. Can I be real with you?
Watch this quick video to see what I mean...
I wasn't presented the opportunity for more freedom in my 9 to 5 job (which led to eventually starting my own business), until I mastered my current 40-60 hour work week FIRST. I was diligent in my current situation, prayed for strength/vision & began not only reducing my workload to eliminate the need for overtime, but began improving processes with our teams & eventually was leading improvement projects company-wide from a REMOTE position, working from home, in ANOTHER STATE (remote positions don't even exist in this company)! God presented me the desires of my heart as I pressed on and pressed into Him for His will for me in that season.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Is there something that you are DYING to have? To systemize your business (reducing your hours), maybe even with some personal goals attached like get your house IN ORDER, get that stubborn weight off or maybe even gain full SOBRIETY for the first time?
Friend, I specialize in helping radically transform these areas. We all thrive with accountability. Quite often, that is all we need... a fierce accountability partner driving you to succeed.
I started this business because serving others is my clear calling in life, proven time and time again. I have a teaching degree in Human Development. I LOVE to bring the best out of people. To unlock potential is like a rebirth! It is so captivating to watch, I can hardly look away... I have ALWAYS found a way to serve others in areas that I have been served. God blesses us so that we may extend that blessing to others, giving HIM the glory. God is the magic in my story. He used others as His servants to heal and restore peace in my life when I could hardly keep my head above water. My first son was born into a chaotic situation and as dedicated as I was to keep it peaceful for him, I finally realized that I needed support to keep my head above water. A good friend of mine, cared enough about me to VERBALLY STEP ON MY TOES! Yes... you read that right! He CARED enough to tell me
God led him to step on my toes in just the right way. It was so uncomfortable that I rejected him for some time, thinking "why couldn't he see that not only did I have my stuff together... but I was holding everyone else's stuff together too! It was just my incredibly stressful circumstances that were causing me such a great deal of distress and pain... I was asking him to help fix my circumstances, not fix me! I was not broken..." I was sure of this. But as God often does, He whispered consistently to me, that I should listen carefully to what my friend had to say. I needed support to learn to let go of what I cannot control, and to act on what I can. This is a game-changer... Although I work my best to structure my days, weeks & months to come to align with my goals, there has to be an acceptance that God's plan may be different than mine. Learning to seek God's timing before you act & learning to not REACT to every wind blown your way, is key to keeping your peace amongst the chaos life can bring. This is a key part of my coaching.
This is your time...
Let me lovingly step on your toes
This is your time...
Let me lovingly step on your toes
Peace in my life doesn't look like empty white sand beaches w/o kids, but a life full of love & laughter, spending time with those I love the most, before time runs out...
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